The Surprising Power of Habits
My beginning of the summary of the book, ATOMIC HABITS by James Clear.
I read it some months ago and I thought of sharing with you the amazing things I found in it.
This is the first in a series to bring you the summary of this book.
Subscribers will receive these summaries direct to their inbox. You can subscribe here.
There’s also a voice summary at the end. You can choose to hurry there to listen to the happenings at the beginning of the book.
Share this with everyone who haven’t gotten a chance to read Atomic Habits but would be interested in a book summary.
It starts here…
The author started with a story of an event that happened during a baseball game in high school.
Someone had mistakenly thrown a baseball bat and it landed on his nose and broke his nose.
The road to recovery was a long one that put him out of school for some time.
When he finally returned to school, he could not join his baseball team. They had moved on and he was demoted to a lesser team.
During that time, he picked up some habits like sleeping at the same time everyday. Those little habits saw him through the university days.
He later went on to play on a team and he did well. These habits also seeped through his academics and he even went ahead to win awards.
This introduces us to the surprising power of habits.
Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.
Listen to the full story and another story of a coach who made little changes that had a great impact on his team after 5 years of consistency.
This is the first in a series to bring you the summary of this book.
Subscribers will receive these summaries direct to their inbox. You can subscribe here.
Share this with everyone who haven’t gotten a chance to read Atomic Habits but would be interested in a book summary.
Catch you in the next one.
I plan to do this as a 13-day series. So, in 13 days, you can learn all about the book like you read it yourself.
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